Performance Tips


Since protobuf-rpc-pro uses Netty to provide the io over TCP, optimization of Netty will help increase performance. Here is a good article giving ideas how to squeeze the most out of Netty.

JVM options -server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods

Using the JVM options described increased throughput by 15% under certain conditions*.

protobuf-rpc-pro configuration

If you do not call a client RPC method from within the processing of a server side RPC call then configure your server side DuplexTcpServerBootstrap with a SameThreadExecutor. This can increase the throughput by 25%*, since the thread context switching is avoided.

* - for calls which require basically no processing time on the server side.

Disabling Logging

One way to reduce logging is to reduce the logging data of the logger registered at the DuplexTcpClientPipelineFactory or DuplexTcpServerPipelineFactory .

 // RPC payloads are uncompressed when logged - so reduce logging
 CategoryPerServiceLogger logger = new CategoryPerServiceLogger();

or alternatively a can be used instead of the CategoryPerServiceLogger which will not log anything.