Release Notes

What changes are made from release to release. Check SVN history for more details.


#49 StackOverflowError DuplexTcpClientPipelineFactory.peerWith

#48 WatchdogThread is not renamed to a readable thread name

#46 CleanShutdownHandler leaves shutdown hook registered when shutdown explicitly

Upgrade to Netty 4.0.33.Final


#45 RpcClientChannel support “attributes” on initial connection (peerWith)

#44 CleanShutdownHandler explicit shutdown leaves non daemon threads hanging which prohibit later JVM shutdown.


#37 CleanShutdownHandler to support shutdown on demand.

#42 CleanShutdownHandler to shutdown RpcClientConnectionWatchdog.

#43 RpcClientChannel support “attributes” and isClosed method.

Upgrade to Netty 4.0.31.Final


Completed move from google code to GitHub.

Upgrade to Netty 4.0.27.Final


Issue 34: upgrade to protobuf-java 2.6. Since the protoc 2.6 introduces new java stubs and requires an upgrade to protobuf-java 2.6, i’ve decided to call this a minor release upgrade, rather than a micro-release upgrade.

Issue 35: provide a means to avoid logging. See NullLogger.

Upgrade to Netty 4.0.23.Final


Upgrade to Netty 4.0.19.Final

Issue 33: added remove blocking service from RpcServiceRegistry.


Upgrade to Netty 4.0.15.Final

Issue 31: debug loggig for timeout checker

Issue 25: refix to wait correct number of nanos on client timeout.


Issue 29: RpcServiceRegistry to use service’s fullName for indexing to avoid duplicate name registration problems. (don’t use 3.2 it is broken for this issue)

Issue 30: changed the constructor of DuplexTcpClientPipelineFactory to not require a clientInfo for the local address. If a clientInfo is provided, by calling #setClientInfo instead, then a strict local port binding is performed ( and the factory can only create one connection at a time with #peerWith ). Probably you don’t need this and can never set the clientInfo explicitly, then you get a new free local port used for each connection created with #peerWith.


Issue 28: Fix issues with protobuf extension registry to decode extensions.

Upgrade to Netty.4.0.14.Final


Issue 23: Depend on specific netty modules instead of netty-all to get better OSGI bundling.

Upgrade to Netty.4.0.13.Final


Issue 22: Allow use of JdkZLib compression as an alternative to JZLib. The JZLib dependency is optional now.

Upgrade to Netty.4.0.10.Final


Issue 25: Fix part3 - integer overflow in timeout calculation ( don’t use 3.0.6 ).


Issue 25: Fix part2 - timeout after microseconds instead of nanoseconds.


Upgrade to Java1.7 compile and bytecode

Issue 23: Upgrade to Netty 4.0.6.Final

Issue 25: Fix infinite loop after timeout on RpcClient.callBlockingMethod.


Issue 11: Provided OSGI bundle. Upgraded to Netty 4.0.0.CR1.


Issue 16: Upgrade to Netty 4.0.0.Beta2. There is a difference in the Bootstrap code which clients and servers use to construct their components. Checkout the changed examples.

Issue 19: Upgrade dependency to Protobuf 2.5. New protoc idl compiler required for clients.

Out-of-Band messaging now allows client code do success evaluation and/or blocking until completion. See RpcClientChannel#sendOobMessage and ServerRpcController#sendOobResponse methods returning ChannelFuture .


Issue 17: stackoverflow - infinite loop calling RpcClient.getPipeline().


Issue 10: replace commons logging with slf4j-api. Demo classes use logback-classic dependency configured by VM arguments adding system property -Dlogback.configurationFile=“./lib/logback.xml”.

Dependency Update: upgraded to Netty version 3.6.0 Final.


Feature: RPC timeout. See wiki page “RpcTimeout” for more info.

Fix: refactor Bootstrap client and server classes to be more symetric.

Feature: new utility AvailablePortFinder utility to allow selection of availible server TCP ports for PeerInfo.

Fix 14: replacement of PeerInfo’s PID with UUID.

Dependency Update: upgraded to Netty version 3.5.10 Final.


Dependency Update: upgraded to Netty version 3.5.3 Final.

Fix: don’t allow further sending over closed RpcClient, so closure is not starved.


Feature: Out-of-Band Protobuf Messaging between peers.

Feature: Out-of-Band RPC server replies

Feature: provide “transparent” messages through Netty pipeline

Feature: allow registration of BlockingServices in servers.

Feature: provide easy access to the Netty pipeline.

Feature: Provide WirePayload ( wire protocol ) extension possibility.

Fix#9: reversed logging roles

Discontinued: protobuf-streamer-pro is discontinued since the Out-of-Band messaging features can be used to allow pull of large files from Server to Client, making the separate library obsolete.

Dependency Update: Netty 3.5.2.Final


Fix#8: fix for hanging due to close race condition.


Fix: improve asynchronicity of reply calls.


Feature: Introduced compression

Made availible on maven central repository.


Initial version.